Hey Fammmmmmmm
Hey kids, I don't have much time today because we were enjoying pday in Nicaragua. HAhaha sorry...
Anyway this week was a week of a lot of working because we needed to find more families to teach. Luckily The Lord was on our side. We were able to find a lot of really cool families, the thing that I love about being a missionary is that I am able to find out a lot about peoples lives in the first few minutes of talking to them. I have lost all knowledge of the words "personal life" and the best part is that here in Nicaragua they will tell you everything you want to know!! Hahaha. I love Nicarauga, seriously.
so I am going to tell you a little bit about Ixta y Erving.
Erving is the papa de Ixta and he is the husband of a member of 4 years. She is named Jasmina, but she is a bit less active. Last week Ixta came to the church by herself and told us that she wants us to visit her dad and she wants to be baptized. This week we went to have a lesson with them. In our companionship study we have been practicing a lot in how to follow the Spírit and I kid you not this was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had. WE talked about how the Lord used his daughter to guide us to him, to be able to help him repent of his sins. It was so strong that he cried.. Seriously I wish I could express better what it is to see a grown man cry to know that he can be forgiven of the things he has done... I want to be a missionary FOREVER!!!!!! They are being prepared to be baptized this 22.
Nora and her whole family.. I am not going to write all of the names because there are like 12 people that live there with her. We were walking down the street one day in divisions and I was with Hermana Gamboa (my old comp) and I had the feeling to talk to a lady that was walking with her two kids. So as she got closer I said "HI HOW ARE YOU?!?!" Super excited haha and she was taken by surprised and was SUPER receptive, she told us that she works all during the week until 9:00 at night... so we have been sacrificing a little to be able to teach her. WE get to her house at 9:00 and tehre she is waiting for us every night :) She is so loving and so receptive of the Gospel. She hasn't accepted a fecha... oops... baptismal date yet but I know she will soon. Pray for them!!!
And this week we celebrated being in Nicaragua and we baught a piñata!!! Everyone here loves piñatas so we broke it open as a district and it was a grand old time, eating sandwiches of eggs and rice :) hahahaha.
I hope you all know that I love this work, I am so eternally grateful to be here as a missionary, growing and learning everyday. Falling, and standing back up again. Watching people change their lives, and feeling that rewarding feeling of knowing that I have been an instrument in the Lords hands. I am so grateful :) Even if I won't be eating turkey this week I know that there is a big plate of beans and rice waiting for me!!!! And i couldn't be happier :)
I love you all!!
Hermana Willardson!
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